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Need something we don't have listed on the website?

Fair Wind Fasteners regularly supplies boat builders, manufacturers, electrical contractors, government entities, architects, engineering firms, the military, and plenty of others with custom quotes on custom fasteners in silicon bronze, stainless steel, copper, brass, monel, inconel, titanium and more.

We've can supply bolts in any length, and in any ASME or DIN pattern or drawing with custom thread lengths as well as custom wood screws, nuts, nails, and just about any fastener you can think up or have a drawing for. We specialize in non-ferrous alloys and have a track record of providing competitive quotes with reasonable lead times on one-off fasteners for your application.

  • Silicon Bronze Shoulder Bolts

    Jefferson Laboratory's particle accelerator program required some custom shoulder bolts made to tight tolerances in a 655 silicon bronze alloy. We made it happen for them.

  • 5/8" Diameter Wood Screws

    These 5/8" diameter silicon bronze wood screws with a square drive were custom machined for some of our customers on time and under budget.

  • 0 Gauge Copper Spikes

    When a tall ship restoration needed 0 gauge copper nails with machined heads and tight tolerances we were able to help.