IYRS School of Boatbuilding and Restoration chooses Fair Wind Fasteners
I'm pleased to announce that Fair Wind Fasteners is now a key supplier of silicon bronze fasteners to the International Yacht Restoration School right here in beautiful Newport, Rhode Island.

IYRS School of Technology & Trades is a non-profit, post-secondary experiential learning institution in Newport, Rhode Island and is the premier marine trades and modern manufacturing school in the United States. IYRS offers education & training programs for people with a passion for building wood yachts. Their experienced instructors chose Fair Wind Fasteners to teach and train with - a testament to our quality and service.
The school itself is located right in Newport Harbor, and teaches the all to often forgotten skills of traditional boat building alongside more cutting edge techniques with 3d modelling and composites technology. IYRS is playing a major role in developing craftsmen and women in to competent and successful shipwrights and fine craftspeople, and through that development those craftsmen and women are able to learn about boat building materials - and since you're here on my website I have to point out that they get to handle the world's finest silicon bronze wood screws, carriage bolts, and solid rod from just down the road here at Fair Wind Fasteners. This year, our fasteners will be used on the students' Beetle Cats.
If you're not familiar with the school I urge you to check it out. They're doing great work over there on the waterfront.