Fair Wind Fasteners help hold Dorade together

As a key supplier to Loughborough Marine Interests (LMI) in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Fair Wind Fasteners is doing it's part to keep the famous yacht Dorade in ship shape and Bristol Fashion.

Loughborough Marine Interests is an award winning yacht restorer, and put their knowledge and fine craftsmanship to work restoring the likes of Santana, Dorade, and Kirawan. The finest vintage yachts in the world continuously seek out the services of LMI, and I'm proud to say that LMI seeks out Fair Wind Fasteners as their supplier of quality silicon bronze to use in their refit, repair, and restoration projects.

Dorade Vent

Arguably the most famous of all the Sparkman & Stephens designed yachts, Dorade is still going strong and regularly shaking out her reefs to wind another race. Designed in late 1929 by Olin Stephens, Dorade helped transform the design of offshore sailing yachts. In fact, "Dorade Vents" that are still in use today get their name from this innovative design that separates ocean spray of fresh air to be delivered below decks.

Dorade is currently undergoing some re-planking and re-fastening as part of her ongoing maintenance schedule. The vessel is always kept in "ship shape" and she demands nothing but the best. In keeping with requiring the best, she is being re-fastened using Silicon Bronze wood screws from right here at Fair Wind Fasteners. If you're curious (I was) her planks are being fastened with flat head, slotted drive 651 Silicon Bronze #16 Wood Screws @ 2-1/2" in length.

Dorade using Fair Wind Fasteners
I had a chance to drop the fasteners off myself, and was able to see the project underway. Jim, the shipwright doing the fastening shared with me what I already knew - finding a quality fastener supplier is getting harder and harder these days! When working on a project like Dorade there is no time or tolerance for poor quality or dealing with manufacturers that cut corners. It's a shame that price and profit margin have taken a position above quality and service in today's world. However, in this case, when only the best will do - LMI sought out Fair Wind Fasteners to get their project done right. It's a testament to our quality that LMI would choose Fair Wind and I'm pleased to have a piece of my little company countersunk in to a beauty like Dorade!


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